Can GCH AOM Am GCH Finnshavn Bubble Gum Moxie Can RA HSs VC Am RA HT ROMb


Moxie is the foundation of Esrohollow Kennel.  She was my first for many things and introduced me to the world of showing dogs.  At her very first show, she was Best of Breed over a special to win her first points.  Everything went by in a blur following that.  She finished her Championship as a puppy, winning 2 Best Puppy in Groups while we were at it.  Both her Majors in the US were at Supported Entries.  She earned an AOM under Breeder Judge Marieann Gladstone at the CCCC National Specialty in 2008.  Moxie finished her Grand Championship in both the US and Canada, as well as several performance titles.  She was my first herding dog, and though it always had to be done HER way, she loved it.

Moxie at almost 15 years old

When I picked out Moxie, I had no intentions of heading down this road with her, but I couldn't have asked for a better start and introduction to the world of purebred dogs.  She LOVED to show, and her winnings were done with very little knowledge of what I was doing.

In 2007, Moxie was bred to Am CH Davenitch Shredder Madeulook, which produced 9 puppies.  This was her only litter, and they helped her earn a Bronze Register of Merit with the Cardigan Welsh Corgi Club of America.

She is the spoiled princess of the house and has definitely earned that status.  

Sadly, she was helped across the rainbow bridge in June 2021, 5 days following her 16th birthday.